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Return Policy

Return Policy

1. An item was lost or damaged during shipping

If your item was damaged during shipping, you are eligible for a full refund. When requesting your refund, please be ready to provide Customer Service photographs clearly showing the problem with the item and its courier number as soon as possible. Please also provide "Proof of Damage" documentation from your courier. Alternatively, you can open the item in front of the delivery person and if you find that it was damaged during shipping, you can reject it, contact us saying you rejected the package (see above), and Aitbags  will then ship you a new item immediately.

Click on Missing or "Incorrect Package Received” then fill in the online form. Our Customer Service team will respond to you within 24 hours. Once Customer Service confirms an item is missing, we will begin processing a new one for you.

2. If you received an incorrect item, you can exchange it for the correct item or receive a full refund. Clicking on "Incorrect Package Received" and then fill in the online form. Our Customer Service team will respond to you within 24 hours. Once Customer Service confirms an item is incorrect, we will provide information on sending it back to us. Once we receive the incorrect item, we will begin processing the correct item for you.

3. Aitbags hopes you will be satisfied with every purchase you make, but in some cases a customer may want to return an item. Click on Returns & Refunds and you will be taken to an online form. Please fill out the form, including as many details as possible and uploading photos that clearly show the problem with the item (if necessary).Our Customer Service team will respond to you within 24 hours. Customer Service will approve your return and send you a Product Return Form. Please fill it out completely and send your item(s) back to us as soon as possible. When we have received your package, your return will be processed in 3 to 5 business days and then your refund will be issued.

4. I've returned my item, how soon will I receive my refund?

In most cases, we will refund your money within 48 hours after your package has been processed. The time it takes to receive your refund will differ based on the payment method you used.